
Hirsutism Treatment- Dermatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hirsutism is an excessive growth of hair in the different parts of the body. It usually affects women. It's generally common, although a few women may think that it is humiliating or upsetting to have.

Fortunately, there are many treatments for those who want to get rid of excess hair. If you want to permanently remove excess hair, you can consider these options:


It is done by inserting a needle to each hair follicle to damage and destroy them and prevent them from growing. It is a very effective treatment to stop excessive growth of hair,  however this treatment is painful. A numbing cream may be needed before the treatment.

Laser therapy

A light emission focused light (laser) is delivered to your skin to bring damage to the hair follicles and prevent hair from growing. This treatment may have side effects, especially in those people with tanned or dark skin.

Why Is Hirsutism Treatment Required?

The excessive hair growth that is caused by hirsutism is usually thick and dark, unlike normal hair appearance. It develops in areas where men often have hair, such as the:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Tummy
  • Lower back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

Additional symptoms may include oily skin, acne, a deep voice, irregular periods or no periods at all.

Which Doctor to Consult?

If you are concerned about having hirsutism, you can directly consult an endocrinologist or an OB-Gyne doctor. They can help you understand about hirsutism and its treatments.

What to expect during the procedure

Oral contraceptives with or without antiandrogens may be prescribed by your doctor to treat hirsutism. These prescribed medications can help lower the levels or block the actions of androgen in hair follicles. These oral contraceptives are usually mixed with antiandrogens, and they can also prevent pregnancy. Taking antiandrogens while pregnant can harm the fetus. If hirsutism occurs in the face, a topical cream with eflornithine hydrochloride can treat excessive hair when applied directly.

A physical exam is done and a complete medical history is obtained before the treatment. This is to make your doctor know the causes of your hirsutism. This could also help them formulate a personalized treatment plan for your type of hirsutism. 

Post-procedure care

After a successful hirsutism treatment,  a follow up visit to your doctor’s clinic may be done, so that you can prevent excess hair from growing again. It is recommended that you review the progress, assess side effects, and have further prevention as well, to have long-term satisfaction.

You have to maintain an after-care treatment after the procedure for 3-6 months if you want complete improvement.


  • Hirsutism - Symptoms and causes. (2019). Retrieved from
  • Hirsutism. (2019). Retrieved from
  • Hirsutism: What is Hirsutism, Treatment for Hirsutism - UCLA OB/GYN, Los Angeles, CA. (2019). Retrieved from

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