Dr. Ewaul Persaud Jr
Address: Georgia, United States, Smyrna, Georgia, United States
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
I am a double board-certified physician in Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. I am always preaching to clients, friends, family and even new people that I meet on how to achieve longevity using lifestyle therapeutic approaches. I have a passion for making a difference in society when it comes to health and wellness especially in a world where chronic diseases are on the rise. I've always said that "Doctors are good at making sick people well but bad at preventing well people from getting sick." I enjoy coaching clients through the process of making positive changes in their health in order to increase both the quality and quantity of their life. I am a firm believer that DNA is not your destiny, diet is. I feel that healthcare is moving in the direction of person-centered care where diagnostic and treatment decisions are made collaboratively, which has an impact on motivation and outcomes as long as clients are willing to play an active role in self care. At the same time, I also believe that trust is earned by clients and in order for them to accept your plan they have to know that you are vested in their well-being. At the end of the day, patients don't care how much you know until they know how much you CARE.
Degree: MD Board certified in Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine
Residency: Georgia Baptist Residency
- Private practice for 15 years
- Practice all family medicine, preventative medicine and lifestyle medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor at Ross University School of Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Lifestyle Medicine
- AAFP - American Academy of Family Physicians
- ACLM - American College of Lifestyle Medicine
- AMA - American Medical Association
- GAFP - Georgia Academy of Family Physicians
- Alpha Phi Alpha
More Information
- American Board of Family Medicine American Board of Lifestyle Medicine