Editorial Policy

Mya Care is committed to delivering high-quality healthcare content you can trust.

Fueled by a passion for empowering informed health decisions, we follow rigorous editorial standards to deliver accurate, unbiased, and valuable content.

We believe in a balanced approach that relies on presenting facts and substantiating opinions with research-based insights. By presenting multiple perspectives, we empower our audience to equip themselves with the information they need to advocate for their care.

Reliable Medical Information

  • Research, Accuracy, and Relevance: Delivering trustworthy content that helps people throughout their health journey necessitates a layered approach. To address the wide variety of information people seek, we derive topics from diverse sources, including (but not limited to) academic publications, news sites, fitness and nutrition trends, and alternative medicine.

Our content is authored by doctors and healthcare professionals with extensive experience and qualifications in their respective fields. All content is reviewed by the internal editorial team for clarity, conciseness, and accessibility, avoiding jargon whenever possible. Furthermore, we strive to incorporate an additional independent medical review as part of the process.

To ensure that every piece of information is evidence-based and reliable, we include citations from reputable sources with a well-established track record of accuracy, credibility, and objectivity. These sources include peer-reviewed medical journals, government health authorities, and leading healthcare institutions.

In addition, while researching and developing content, we factor in the role of semantics and natural language to help people find the information they are seeking. This enables us to understand and address the concerns of our readers and deliver relevant content.

  • Empathy and Inclusivity: We prioritize inclusivity in our content. Our language actively avoids stereotypes and fosters respect for all readers. We are also committed to creating content that reflects the diversity of our audience, encompassing all ages, genders, races, and religions. For instance, the portal features resources aimed at younger audiences to introduce health concepts while also catering to the unique needs of older individuals.

The diversity further extends to our team of writers and medical reviewers to ensure that our content reflects broader perspectives and cultural nuances, making it more relatable to a wider audience. For instance, when citing references to scientific studies, we incorporate citations that address a broader population mix as much as possible.

We also consider the reader’s state of mind when searching for answers to health concerns. Our writing style and tone consciously avoids language that can be intimidating to the audience.

  • Partner Content: The Mya Care platform allows and encourages listed healthcare providers to publish content. We also create collaborative content commissioned by our healthcare partners. All partner content must adhere to the same standards and journalistic integrity as editorial content.

A balanced presentation of information is particularly emphasized and may involve providing additional resources for a comprehensive understanding of the topic. We avoid any potential bias by focusing on neutral language, avoiding exaggeration, and presenting alternatives as applicable.

Updates and Improvement

We continuously review and update our content to ensure the information remains current. Here’s how:

  • Regular Audits: Our content team stays current on evolving standards of care, guidelines, drug regulations, and practice recommendations. This ensures our information aligns with the latest advancements and perspectives in the field.
  • Daily News Tracking: Our team stays on top of developing health stories and publishes timely updates to keep users informed about the most recent health information.
  • Responsive Reader Feedback: We evaluate opportunities to improve our content based on user feedback and evolving information.
  • Feedback to Content Creators: Our team of content creators features in-house editors as well as a network of doctors and medical professionals. To enhance topical coverage and perspectives, we periodically review our talent mix to incorporate individuals from varying disciplines and regions. We diligently assess content quality and provide periodic feedback to our writers on aspects such as style and tone, sourcing and referencing, and depth and scope, to name a few.

The following details are included in the content, which relate to the checks involved in the editorial process.

  • The publication date alongside the author’s name, which links to their bio.
  • Content updates are marked by an “Updated on” date. This might include additional information, sources, images, and video content, as well as minor corrections.
  • When content undergoes an external medical review, a “Medically Reviewed by” date is added along with a link to the reviewer’s bio.

Original Content: The Mya Care Difference

Mya Care prioritizes fresh and insightful healthcare content. To achieve this, we work with doctors, scientists, biologists, public health specialists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, registered nurses, and other authors with comprehensive healthcare backgrounds. This collaboration fosters rich topic exploration, with the medical professionals bringing forth their extensive knowledge and clinical experience to the table, identifying emerging trends, addressing common patient concerns, and suggesting topics aligned with the latest medical advancements. We actively engage with them to discuss the challenges and questions they encounter in their practice. This first-hand input helps us identify relevant and timely topics that resonate with a real-world audience.

Our multi-layered research for patient-centric content does not end here. We meticulously analyze the queries we receive on our website. This allows us to identify user pain points and tailor content to address them directly. We also collaborate with individuals with lived experience of specific medical conditions. Their insights provide invaluable first-hand perspectives on challenges, coping mechanisms, and areas where information gaps exist.

Simultaneously, we actively monitor social media conversations and online patient forums. This allows us to identify emerging concerns, trending topics, and areas where users lack clarity or accurate information.