Dr. Sumit Talwar
Address: Manipal Hospitals 98, HAL Old Airport Rd, Kodihalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560017, India
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
Dr. Sumit Talwar is a Bariatric Surgeon at Manipal Hospital HAL Airport Road - Bengaluru. His area of expertise includes Bariatric Surgeon and Advanced Laproscopic Surgeon
- Consultant Minimal Access & Bariatric Surgery - Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore.
- Dr. Sumit Talwar is an expert in Minimally Invasive (Laparoscopic or Key-hole Surgery) Gastro-Intestinal Surgery and has performed thousands of laparoscopic surgeries till date.
- He has also pioneered the development of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (Surgery for Morbid Obesity and for treatment of Diabetes) in Delhi NCR area and has performed numerous such operations successfully.
- He performs Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Mini Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy and other operations for the treatment of Morbid Obesity.
- He has pioneered Gastro-intestinal Cancer Surgery with a special emphasis on Minimally Invasive (Laparoscopic) treatment of GI cancers including Colo-rectal, Upper GI, Hepato-biliary and Pancreatic cancers.
- He has also developed a new technique of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (Scarless Surgery) for gall-bladder, appendix, hernia etc. using routine instruments and equipment thereby reducing the cost involved in the technique.
- He has performed more than hundreds of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgeries (SILS) in Delhi NCR in the past five years.
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi
Residency: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Professional Experience
- Consultant Minimal Access & Bariatric Surgery - Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore
- Dr. Sumit Talwar is an expert in Minimally Invasive (Laparoscopic or Key-hole Surgery) Gastro-Intestinal Surgery and has performed thousands of laparoscopic surgeries till date
- He has also pioneered the development of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (Surgery for Morbid Obesity and for treatment of Diabetes) in Delhi NCR area and has performed numerous such operations successfully
Specialties and Procedures
- Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS)
- Endoscopic Bariatric Surgery
- Gastric Bypass
- Laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
- Minimal Invasive Procedures
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Appendicitis
- Bariatric Surgery
- Colorectal Cancer
- Colorectal Surgery
- Gallbladder Surgery
- Gastrointestinal Cancer
- Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Hepatobiliary Surgery
- Hernia Surgery
- Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery
- Laparoscopic Hernia Repair
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Pancreas Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer Surgery
- Pancreatic Surgery
- Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer
- Appendectomy
- Bariatric Surgery
- Hernia Repair
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS)
Memberships / Associations
- Medical Council of India (MCI)
- Delhi Medical Council