Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Service - Health Packages
Prince Court Medical Centre
Prevention Is Better Than Cure.
Living in a fast-paced world, we are constantly seeking the work-life balance where our health may take the back seat. At Prince Court Medical Centre, we believe in the importance of regular or annual checkups and preventive medicine to stay healthy.
Our health screening program is a one-day program with a wide range of services – from basic to comprehensive health screening packages according to your age. We are also able to customise the program to suit any specific need.
The screenings are conducted in an environment that are both comfortable and with privacy. Our clinicians will also help you understand your results as well as answer any questions or concerns that you may have for your ease of mind.
Routine Procedures
- Consultation & physical examination by doctor
- Explanation of screening report by doctor
- Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
- Vision testing
- Pure tone audiometry
Laboratory Test
- Fasting glucose
- Bone metabolism profile
- Uric Acid
- Renal function test
- Liver function test
- Lipid profile
- Thyroid function test
- Urine FEME
- Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
- Full blood count
- Peripheral blood film
- Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
- Rheumatoid arthritis factor
- ABO and rhesus blood grouping
Cardiological Assessment
- Resting ECG
Radiological Examination
- Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
Health Screening Package