
Tooth Abscess Drainage- Dentistry

Dental abscess can be treated with antibiotics, pain relievers and removal of the infectious tooth source. Most dental abscesses can be treated with antibiotics that cover gram negatives, facultative anaerobes, and strict anaerobes.

Surgical procedures like root canal and tooth extraction may be required if the tooth abscess is severe. Abscess incision and drainage may be also required. A root canal treatment may be done by removing the crown of the tooth to uncover the infected tooth roots.

Why Is Tooth Abscess Drainage Required?

Tooth abscess drainage is required to get rid of infection. If pus in the tooth will not be drained, the tooth may have to be removed.

Below are the signs and symptoms of tooth abscess that need emergency treatment:

  • High fever
  • Facial swelling
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Rapid pulse
  • Confusion

Which Doctor to Consult?

A maxillofacial surgeon or a dentist are the primary doctors who will do tooth abscess drainage.

What to expect during the procedure

An incision will be made into the affected teeth and its surrounding areas to drain the abscess. Saline solution will be used to clean the area. The patient may be given local or general anesthesia.

Antibiotics may be given through a vein (intravenously) and blood tests, as well as imaging tests may be requested. Dental treatment such as fillings, root canal treatment or tooth removal may be done.

A drain will be placed during surgery to drain away any pus and fluid.

Post-operative care

To ensure that the infection doesn’t spread out, a follow up check-up is needed after a day of treatment.

By maintaining good oral hygiene and by having regular dental checkups every 3-6 months, tooth problems like abscesses can be avoided.


Complications may occur after the procedure, but they are very rare. If the abscess is left untreated, it could lead into an infection. Talk to your doctor or dentists about your risks.


  • Abscessed Tooth: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Pictures. (2019). Retrieved from
  • NHS (2019).Severe dental infection surgery. Retrieved from
  • Sanders, J., & Houck, R. (2019). Dental Abscess. Retrieved from

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