Dr. Akos Issekutz
Address: 1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 5, Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
Dr. Akos Issekutz specializes in Bariatric Surgery, Laparoscopic Colon and Gastric Oncology Surgery.
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine Budapest, Hungary
Residency: The Hungarian College of Surgery
Professional Experience
- 2023: Deputy Medical Director of DPC, Budapest
- 2022 Overstich endoscopic sleeve gastroscopy course, Hamburg Apollo gmbh
- 2020 - 2023: Medical Director of Central Hospital for Armed Forces, Budapest
- 2018 - 2020: Deputy Medical Director St. Margaret Hospital, Budapest
- 2016 Laparoscopic Colon Surgery course, University of Marseille, Dr. Bredah
- 2014 RFA Liver Surgery Course, Prof. Nagy Habib, London Imperial College
- 2012 Laparoscopic hernia surgery course, University of Hamburg
- 2008 - 2018: Chief Surgeon and Director of Quality Control
- 2006: Consultant Surgeon Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital, Győr Department of Surgery
- 2007 Training in liver surgery, Karls-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg, Germany, Prof. M.W. Büchler
- 2004 Pancreatic surgery training, Karls-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg, Germany, Prof. M.W. Büchler
- 2002 Training in pulmonary surgery, Humboldt University, Charite, Berlin, Germany, Prof. J. Müller
- 2001 Training in vascular surgery, DRK Kliniken, Köpenick, Berlin, Germany, Prof. A. Gussmann
- 2000 Training in surgery, Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland, Prof. M.W. Büchler
- 2010 Oncoplastic surgery in the treatment of breast cancer, Budapest, Semmelweis University
- 2005-2008 PhD, University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Experimental Surgery, Pécs, Hungary
- Thesis: Pancreatic fistula (dissertation not completed), Prof. E. Rőth
- 2004 European Pancreatic Club Young Research Fellowship, Abano Terme, Padua, Italy
- 1997 TEMPUS Fellowship, Department of Surgery, University of Catania, Italy, Prof. Pedrazzoli
- 1996 Surgical Fellowship, Karls-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg, Germany, Prof. C. Herfarth
- 2004: Issekutz A, Makay R, Banga P, Nemeth A, Olgyai G. [Treatment of pancreaticopleural fistulas] Zentralbl Chir. 2004 Apr;129(2):130-5. German. PMID: 15106046
- 2003: Issekutz A, Belagyi T, Racz I, Olah A. [Membranous constriction of the colon caused by non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs--case report] Magy Seb. 2003 Aug;56(3-4):120-2. Review. Hungarian. PMID: 14619096
- 2003: Olah A, Issekutz A, Haulik L, Makay R. Pancreatic transection from blunt abdominal trauma: early versus delayed diagnosis and surgical management. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):408-14. Epub 2003 Jul 31. PMID: 12900531
- 2003: Makay R, Issekutz A, Banga P, Belagyi T, Olah A. [Role of procalcitonin rapid test in the differential diagnosis of uninfected and infected forms of acute pancreatitis] Magy Seb. 2003 Feb;56(1):31-3. Hungarian. PMID: 12764990
- 2002: Olah A, Belagyi T, Issekutz A, Gamal ME, Bengmark S. Randomized clinical trial of specific lactobacillus and fibre supplement to early enteral nutrition in patients with acute pancreatitis. Br J Surg. 2002 Sep;89(9):1103-7. PMID: 12190674
- 2002: Olah A, Issekutz A, Toth-G B, Haulik L, Banga P. [Surgical treatment of giant haemangiomas of the liver] Magy Seb. 2002 Apr;55(2):57-62. Hungarian. PMID: 12049008
- 2002: Olah A, Belagyi T, Issekutz A. [Surgical aspects of histologically unproven space-occupying lesions of the pancreas head] Magy Seb. 2002 Feb;55(1):24-6. Hungarian. PMID: 11930559
- 2002: Olah A, Pardavi G, Belagyi T, Nagy A, Issekutz A, Mohamed GE. Early nasojejunal feeding in acute pancreatitis is associated with a lower complication rate. Nutrition. 2002 Mar;18(3):259-62. PMID: 11882400
- 2001: Haulik L, Toth B, Issekutz A, Gartner B. [Pancreatic injury in blunt abdominal trauma: early versus late diagnosis and surgical management] Magy Seb. 2001 Oct;54(5):309-13. Hungarian. PMID: 11723735
Specialties and Procedures
- Bariatric Surgery
- General Surgery Consultation
Memberships / Associations
- 2014: Member of the directors of the Hungarian College of Surgery
- 2006: Fellowship of the General Medical Council GB (GMC)
- Certificate of Full Registration as a Medical Practitioner with specialist registration General Surgery
- GMC reference number: 6151613
- 2003: Fellowship of the Hungarian College of Surgery
- 2002: European Society of Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association
- 2001: European Pancreatic Club
- 2000: Hungarian Surgical Society
Healthcare Providers
More Information
2022:Overstich endoscopic sleeve gastroscopy course Hamburg Apollo gmbh
2016: Laparoscopic Colon Course Surgery in Marseille University Prof.dr. Bredah
2014: RFA liver course Prof. Nagy Habib London Imperial College
2012: Laparoscopic Hernia Course Surgery in Hamburg University
2010: Oncoplastic Surgery in breast Cancer Budapest Semmelweis University
2007: Liver Surgery Training at Karls-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg, Germany 2004Prof. M.W. Büchler
2005 -2008: Phd at Pécsi Tudományegyetem Faculty of Medicine, Department of Experimental Surgery, Pécs, Hungary
Thesis: Pancreatic fistula (dissertation not completed) Prof. E. Rőth
2004: Honour of Young Researchers Scholarship European Pancreatic Club (EPC) Abano Terme, Padua, Italy
2004: Pancreatic Surgery Training at Karls-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg, Germany Prof. M.W. Büchler
2002: Thoracic Surgery Training at Humboldt University, Charite, Berlin, Germany Prof. J. Müller
2001: Vascular Surgery Training at DRK Kliniken, Köpenick, Berlin, Germany Prof. A. Gussmann
2000: Surgical Training Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland Prof. M.W. Büchler
1997: TEMPUS Scholarship at Surgical Department of University of Catania, Italy. Prof. Pedrazzoli
1996: Surgical Scholarship Karls-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg, Germany Prof. C. Herfarth