Dr. Bülent Cihantimur
Address: Fulya Mahallesi, Büyükdere Cad. No:80, Mecidiyeköy, Istanbul, Istanbul, 34394, Turkey
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
A graduate of Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine, Bülent Cihantimur, MD specialized in Plastic Surgery at Uludağ University. Through years of hard work and dedication, his techniques and skills earned him many awards in the past 20 years such as; The Golden Bistoury Award, The World’s Best Plastic Surgeon and Medical Man of the Year Award in 2014. Cihantimur continues his role as head physician and CEO of Estetik International Health Group.
Following are the techniques developed by Cihantimur.
- Non-operative treatment of Trigger finger
- Cihantimur Fat Transfer System
- Prominent Ear Aesthetics by Rope
- Spider Web Aesthetics
- Simple Nose Aesthetics
- Organic Hair Transplantation
- Leg Beautification
Degree: Istanbul University Çapa Medical School
Residency: Uludağ University Medical School
- He has worked as the coordinator of Estetik International Health Group that was opened first in Bursa and hasdepartments in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara today.
- The Golden Bistoury Award
- The World’s Best Plastic Surgeon
- Medical Man of the Year Award in 2014
- Excellence Awards given to him by Tatweei Academy that is seen between the most distinguished organizations of Middle East in 2017
- AClear Cell Hidradenoma of the index finger B.Cihantimur, Selçuk Akın, Mesut Özcan European Journal of Plastic Surgery (1997) 20:318-319.
- Comparing Kaltostat with Jelonet in the treatment of split-thickness Skin graft donor sites B.Cihantimur, Ramazan Kahveci, Mesut Özcan European Journal of Plastic Surgery (1997) 20:260-263.
- Percutaneous treatment of trigger finger. Bülent Cihantimur, Selçuk Akın, Mesut Özcan Acta Orthop Scand 1998; 69(2): 167-168
- Allogeneic substitutes for fingernails. Bülent Cihantimur, Ahmet Karacalar, Mesut Özcan European Journal of Plastic Surgery (1999) 22:1, 44-45
- Investigation and analysis of 1030 primary hair transplatation cases: a retrospective study Bülent Cihanimur, Aziz Aksöz, Muhammet Hatipoğlu, Burak Ersen European Journal of Plastic Surgery (2018)
- A new otoplasty procedure: combination of perichondrio-adipo-dermal flap, posterior auricular muscle transpositioning and cartilage suturing to decrease the post-operative complication rates Bülent Cihantimur, Yücel Sarıaltın, Burak Ersen, Mustafa özyurtlu European Journal of Plastic Surgery (2018)
- Alt ve Üst Göz Kapaklarının Nevüsü “Divided Nevus” Selçuk Akıni Oytun İdil, Bülent Cihantimur, Mesut Özcan TPCD ,Cilt: 4, Sayı: 3.1996.
- Enjektör Splint. Bülent Cihantimur, Selçuk Akın, Mesut ÖzcanHacettepe Ortopedi Dergisi, 7;4;1997.
- Dijital sinir defektlerinin onarımında ven grefti kullanımı Ahmet Karacalar, Bülent Cihantimur, Selçuk akın, Mesut Özcan TPCD ,5;3,1997.
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Deep Plane Face Lift
- Facial Fat Transfer
- Fat Transfer (Fat Grafting)
- Genitourinary Plastic Surgery
- Hair Transplant
- Liposuction
- Plastic Surgery Consultation
- Rhinoplasty (Nose Correction)
- Spider Vein and Varicose Vein Surgery
- Treatment of Trigger Finger
- Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
More Information
He has still worked as the coordinator of Estetik International Health Group that was opened first in Bursa and has departments in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara today. Estetik International, with almost 200 staff has provided service in 8 different clinics including Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.
This Health Group that has put signature on great business about health tourism in particular has provided economic value for our Country via its Professional in International Patient Unit and health tourists.
Estetik International that provides patient satisfaction and different access for foreign patients with partners program has also representation offices in Dubai, Sweden, England.