Dr. García Jorda
Registration No: Quironsalud Dexeus 1
Address: Quironsalud Dexeus, Barcelona, Catalunya, 08028, Spain
Gender: Female
About the Doctor / Professional
"Training, science and research go hand in hand for the patient"
Dr. Elsy Valentina García Jordá has, in her professional career, experience in different techniques and specialties of the Digestive System: Functional Tests, Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Training detail:
- Doctor of Medical Sciences. University of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba (2001).
- Specialist in Family and Community Medicine. University of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba (2004).
- Gastroenterology specialist. University of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba (2007).
- Assistant Researcher (2010).
Certification Approved in Spain.
Some of Dr. Elsy Valentina García Jordá's Scientific Activities are:
- Early diagnosis of colorectal cancer and endoscopic treatment of premalignant lesions.
- Characterization of the cellular response induced by the CIGB814 peptide in mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood (PRMC) from patients with Crohn's disease.
- Malnutrition in liver cirrhosis. Its influence on the appearance of complications and mortality. Thesis. Principal investigator.
- Usefulness of the Global Subjective Survey in the nutritional evaluation of patients with liver cirrhosis. Investigator.
- Double balloon enteroscopy. First experience in Cuba.
- Application of echoendoscopy as a new technique in the staging of rectal tumors.
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: University of Medical Sciences of Havana Cuba 2001
Residency: University of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba
Professional Experience
- Provision of Social Service (post graduate) in Guatemala (2002-2003).
- National Institute of Gastroenterology, Havana, Cuba (2004-2007).
- National Center for Minimally Access Surgery, Havana, Cuba. Dedicated to diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy. (2007-2013).
- Training in Therapeutic Endoscopy. Japan (2009).
- Consultant in the specialty of Gastroenterology. General Hospital of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (2013-2016).
- Influence of malnutrition on the appearance of complications and mortality in cirrhotic patients.
- Rev. Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
- Influence of malnutrition on the appearance of complications and mortality in cirrhotic patients.
- Rev. Hospital Nutrition.
- Microscopic colitis. Updated review.
- Rev. Mexicana de Coloproctolgía.
- Diverticulosis of the colon. Upgrade.
- Rev. Mexicana de Coloproctolgía.
- Double balloon enteroscopy. Experience at the National Center for Minimally Access Surgery.
- Endoscopy Magazine.
- Study of anorectal motility in women with fecal incontinence.
- Habanera Journal of Medical Sciences.
- Colon diseases more frequent in our environment.
- Mexican Journal of Coloproctology.
- Esophageal manometry study of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease in Cuba.
- Clinical, pathological and endoscopic therapeutic study of polypoid lesions of the colon.Student Scientific Conference. ICBP Victoria de Girón. Cuba, 1996. Author. Free Topic: Stress-academic performance relationship. Atrial diagnosis.
- Scientific Student Day at the Faculty. Cuba 05-29-1999. Author. Free Topic: Post-surgical gutting at the Joaquín Albarrán Hospital during 1998.
- Scientific Student Day at the Faculty. Cuba 05-29-1999. Author. Poster: Study of the behavior of postoperative sepsis in the General Surgery Service of the Hospital Clinico Quirúrgico Joaquín Albarrán.
- Student Scientific Conference. Cuba 05-30-1998. Author. Poster: Incidence of upper digestive bleeding in the Joaquín Albarrán Hospital.
- Provincial Branch Health Forum West Territory of the City of Havana. Cuba 13-11-1999. Author. Poster: Post-surgical gutting at the Joaquín Albarrán Hospital during 1998.
- XIII Latin American Congress of Surgery. VI Cuban Congress of Surgery. Cuba September 19-24, 1998. Author. Poster: Post-surgical gutting at the Joaquín Albarrán Hospital during 1998.
- Scientific Conference, Faculty of Cuba 06-10-2000. Author. Free Topic: Usefulness of BAAF in palpable lesions of the breast.
- Science and Technique Base Forum. Manuel Tames. Cuba 06-12-2002 Free Theme Knowledge and attitudes of the female population towards gynecological cancer. Manuel Tames Municipality.
- II National Conference of Graduates of Exceptional Performance. Cuba 6-07-2002 Free Theme: Knowledge and attitudes of the female population against gynecological cancer. Manuel Tames Municipality.
- Micro Central Scientific Conference. El Quiche, Guatemala. Guatemala 15-09-2003. Free Topic: Obstetric Complications. 18-month study.
- Micro Central Scientific Conference. The Quiche. Guatemala 15-09-2003. Free topic: Basic aspects of the Mayan Culture.
- II International Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. III Cuban Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Cuba 15-18 / 11/2005. Poster: Rare complication of ulceropeptic disease. Presentation of two cases with bilio-duodenal fistula.
- III National Congress of Clinical Nutrition. Cuba 06-21-2005. Free Topic: Global subjective survey and malnutrition in cirrhotics.
- XXX Student and Resident Scientific Conference. Gral. Calixto García Faculty. Cuba 06-09-2006 Free Topic: Malnutrition in liver cirrhosis. Its influence on the appearance of complications and mortality.
- I Scientific Conference of Gastroenterology Residents. Cuba 11-0-2006. Round Table: Prevention in colon cancer.
- XXXI Scientific Day of Residents. Gral. Calixto García Faculty. Cuba 04-21-2007. Free Topic: Usefulness of the Global Subjective Survey in the nutritional evaluation of patients with liver cirrhosis.
- XXXI Scientific Day of Residents. Gral. Calixto García Faculty. Cuba 04-24-2007. Round Table: Diagnostic algorithm for the early investigation of colorectal cancer.
- Municipal Science and Technology Forum. Manuel Fajardo School of Medicine. Cuba 09-22-2007. Free Topic: Malnutrition in liver cirrhosis. Its influence on the appearance of complications and mortality.
- XXXII National Congress of the Spanish Association for the study of the liver. Cuba 2007. Free Topic: Influence of malnutrition on the appearance of complications in cirrhotic patients.
- National Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Digestive Endoscopy. Cuba June 2007. Participant.
- Activity of the Cuban Society of Gastroenterology. Cuba, September 2007. Participant.
- XXXI Scientific Day of Residents. Prize. Cuba 04/21/2007 Round Table: Diagnostic algorithm for early screening for colorectal cancer. Prize.
- Activity of the Cuban Society of Gastroenterology. Cuba 09/27/2007 Participant Use of argon plasma in gastrointestinal endoscopy.
- V Liver Transplant Symposium. Cuba 11/21/2007 Participant.
- Municipal Forum. Manuel Fajardo Faculty. Cuba 09/22/2007 Free theme Malnutrition in liver cirrhosis. Its influence on the appearance of complications and mortality.
- XXXI Pan American Congress of Gastroenterology, XVIII Pan American Congress of
- Digestive Endoscopy and XXXV Chilean Congress of Gastroenterology. Santiago de Chile.
- Chile, November 2008. Participant: Introduction of virtual chromoendoscopy for the diagnosis of lesions caused by gastroesophageal reflux. Free Work: Poster
- Second Pelvic Floor Workshop. Cuba 09/30-3 / 10-2008. Competitor.
- XVI Science and Technology Forum of the CNCMA. Cuba 06/28/2008. Competitor. Endoscopic placement of the esophageal catheter in failed manometry. Introduction of the technique in Cuba. Mention.
- Hepatology 2008 Cuba 03/19/2008. Participant.
- First Scientific Conference on quality. Institute of Gastroenterology. Cuba 12/5/2008. Competitor. Nutritional status of the patient with liver cirrhosis. Influence on the appearance of complications and mortality.
- International Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Surgery. Cuba 12/18/2008. Competitor.
- 8th Yokohama International Endoscopy Conference with life demonstration Japan 14-15 / 03/09. Competitor.
- Symposium on colon cancer and premalignant lesions. CIMEQ. Cuba 28-30 / 05/2009. Poster Topic: Anorectal manometry in conservative surgery of the CRS sphincter.
- Symposium on colon cancer and premalignant lesions. CIMEQ. Cuba 28-30 / 05/2009. Round Table: Modern techniques in early colon injuries and premalignant injuries. Diagnosis and treatment. Submucosa dissection.
- III International Congress of Endoscopic Surgery and IV Cuban Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Cuba 24-26 / 05/10. Free Topic: Experience of the CNMA National Center in colon endoscopic therapy.
- National Scientific Workshop of Gastroenterology. Cuba 2011 Participant. Diagnosis and endoscopic treatment of premalignant lesions of the esophagus.
- National Scientific Workshop of Gastroenterology. Cuba 2011 Participant. Endoscopic Therapy of Gastric Cancer.
- ERBE workshop. Cuba 2012. Participant. Use of Argon Plasma in digestive conditions.
- ERBE workshop. Cuba 2012. Participant. Use of self-expanding metal endoprosthesis in digestive diseases.
Specialties and Procedures
- Roemheld Syndrome Treatment
- Endoscopy
- Gastroenterology Consultation
- Hepatology Consultation
- Roemheld Syndrome Treatment
Memberships / Associations
- Cuban Society of Gastroenterology (2009-Present).
- Cuban Society of Endoscopic Surgery (2009-Present).