Dr. Juan José Torrent
Address: Carrer de Vilana, 12, 08022 Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
Dr. Juan José Torrent is a Gynecologist Consultant at Hospital El Pilar-Quironsalud, Barcelona and Quenet Torrent Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center. His main area of focus is the surgical treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis of ovarian origin and is the main researcher of the European clinical studies on the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis by cytoreduction surgery and HIPEC.
He also participated in the development of clinical studies on gynecological cancer and new intraperitoneal chemotherapy techniques, HIPEC and PIPAC.
Some of his major collaborations are:
- Surgeon collaborator in Centre Val d’Aurelle, Montepellier, since Jan 2009 to present, participating in the carcinomatosis/HIPEC program, with Dr François Quenet
- Gynecologist collaborator in Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France since Mar 2004 to 2009, participating in the development of new laparoscopic techniques and HIPEC program
- Gynecologist collaborator in Hospital El Pilar Quironsalud, Barcelona, Spain (private sector) since 2002
- International expert in the work group RENAPE for good practices in Pseudomyxoma Peritonei and Peritoneal Mesotelioma
- Key Opinion Leader of Johnson and Johnson for Techniques in peritoneal carcinomatosis and laparoscopic techniques
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: University of Barcelona, Spain
Residency: Institut Universitari Dexeus - Barcelona, Spain
Professional Experience
- Director of carcinomatosis/HIPEC program in Hospital El Pilar– Quironsalud, Barcelona
- Gynecologist consultant, oncologic surgery and laparoscopic surgery - Quenet Torrent Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center, Hospital El Pilar- Quironsalud, Barcelona
- National and International laparoscopic course director in Barcelona (Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol and Hospital EL Pilar Quironsalud) since Sep 2010
- Gynecologist consultant, oncologic surgery department, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol (HUGTiP)in Badalona, Spain - (Chief Department E. Perez-Picañol) Jan 2011 to Jan 2015
- Gynecologist consultant, surgery department, Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France (Chief Department Prof. Querleu) since Sep 2006 to Oct 2007
- Principal investigator in Spain of CHIPOR Trial (Chemotherapy Hyperthermia Intraperitoneal for ovarian cancer relapse).
- Principal investigator in Spain of Accord 15-Prodige 7 Trial (Chemotherapy Hyperthermia Intraperitoneal for carcinomatosis of colon cancer).
- Principal investigator in Spain of OVHIPEC-2 (value of HIPEC in upfront ovarian cancer treatment)
- Principal investigator in Spain in PIPAC phase II trial for chemoresistant ovarian cancer (waiting for approval)
- Principal investigator in Spain in PIPAC phase II trial for neoadjuvant treatment of gastric cancer (waiting for approval)
- Value of single port laparoscopy in peritoneal carcinomatosis. An observational study.. We set up an improved protocol for determine the feasibility of single port in diagnostic laparoscopy for peritoneal carcinomatosis.Data collection is in progress.
- Feasibility of paraaortic sentinel node detection in high-risk endometrial carcinomas An observational study. The aim is to complete the lymphatic nodes mapping in endometrial cancer.
- Formalize pain treatment protocols for outpatient surgery. We worked with anesthesiologists to set up a protocol for postoperative pain treatment. Currently we are applying the protocol and we are auditing outcome at 24h after surgery.
- Value of PIPAC technique in peritoneal disease. (PIPAC course in October 2015).
- Augmented reality to improve surgical skills REALQUIRUR. Spanish grant CDTI
- Early diagnostic for ovarian cancer with nanoparticles Waiting for approval (International grant)
- Management of ileocutaneous fistulae using TNP after surgery for abdominal malignancy. Martïnez A, Ferron G, Le Gal M, Torrent JJ, Querleu D. J Wound Care. 2009 Jul;18(7):282, 284, 286-8
- Morphologic changes in breast biopsies after duct endoscopy. Tresserra F, Fábregas R, Torrent J, Grases PJ, Ara C, Izquierdo M, Fernandez-Cid A. Breast. 2001 Apr;10(2):149-54
- The impact of pleural disease on the management of advanced ovarian cancer.Escayola C, Ferron G, Romeo M, Torrent JJ, Querleu D.Gynecol Oncol. 2015 May 9. pii: S0090-8258(15)00872-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2015.05.003. [Epub ahead of print] Review
- Professional risks when carrying out cytoreductive surgery for peritoneal malignancy with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC): A French multicentric survey.Ferron G, Simon L, Guyon F, Glehen O, Goere D, Elias D, Pocard M, Gladieff L, Bereder JM, Brigand C, Classe JM, Guilloit JM, Quenet F, Abboud K, Arvieux C, Bibeau F, De Chaisemartin C, Delroeux D, Durand-Fontanier S, Goasguen N, Gouthi L, Heyd B, Kianmanesh R, Leblanc E, Loi V, Lorimier G, Marchal F, Mariani P, Mariette C, Meeus P, Msika S, Ortega-Deballon P, Paineau J, Pezet D, Piessen G, Pirro N, Pomel C, Porcheron J, Pourcher G, Rat P, Regimbeau JM, Sabbagh C, Thibaudeau E, Torrent JJ, Tougeron D, Tuech JJ, Zinzindohoue F, Lundberg P, Herin F, Villeneuve L; BIG-RENAPE Working Group.Eur J Surg Oncol. 2015 Oct;41(10):1361-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2015.07.012. Epub 2015 Jul 29.
- Vaginal reconstruction with pedicled vertical deep inferior epigastric perforator flap (diep) after pelvic exenteration. A consecutive case series.Ferron G, Gangloff D, Querleu D, Frigenza M, Torrent JJ, Picaud L, Gladieff L, Delannes M, Mery E, Boulet B, Balague G, Martinez A.Gynecol Oncol. 2015 Sep;138(3):603-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2015.06.031. Epub 2015 Jun 27
- When and Who Should Perform Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Surgery? Escayola C, Torrent JJ, Ferron G, Quenet F, Querleu D. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2018 Mar;28(3):594-599
- Escayola C, Ripoll G, Cardesa A, et al. Massive ovarian oedema: a case report. Obstet Gynecol Int J . 2018;9(5):344‒345. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2018.09.00361
- Ferron G, Torrent JJ, Pomel C, Malavaud B, Querleu D, Martinez A. Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy with anterior and posterior exenteration – surgical perspectives. In Techniques Of Hysterectomy – A Surgical Atlas. Springer 2016.
- Current practice of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy(PIPAC):Still standardized or on the verge of diversification?
- Sgarbura O, Villeneuve L, Alyami M, Bakrin N, Torrent JJ, Eveno C, Hübner M; ISSPP PIPAC study group
- Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Jan;47(1):149-156. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2020.08.020. Epub 2020 Aug 29.PMID: 32900609
- Standardizing training for Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aersosol Chemotherapy
- Alyami M, Sgarbura O, Khomyakov V, Horvath P, Vizzielli G, So J, Torrent J, Delgadillo X, Martin D, Ceelen W, Reymond M, Pocard M, Hübner M.
- Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020 Dec;46(12):2270-2275. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2020.05.007. Epub 2020 May 30.PMID: 32561205
Specialties and Procedures
- Gynecological Cancer
- Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Gynecology Consultation
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultation
Memberships / Associations
- Member of the AAGL (Advancing Minimally Invasive Gynecology Worldwide)
- Member of SEGO (Sociedad Española Ginecología y Obstetricia)
- Member of SGO (Society of Gynecologic Oncology)
- Member of ESGO (European Society of Gynecological Oncology)
- Member of SEOQ (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oncológica)
- Member of ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology)
- Member of SFCO (Société Francophone de Chirurgie Oncologique)
- Member of ISSP (Society for the Study of Pleura and Peritoneum)
- Member of GECOP (Griupo Español de Carcinomatosis Peritoneal)
Healthcare Providers
More Information
Dr. José Torrent has also done many presentations on Ovarian Cancer, Peritoneal Carcinomatosis and HIPEC. Some of his recent presentations include:
- PIPAC in ovarian cancer. Clinical evidence and utility: VI Congreso Nacional SEOQ y VIII Reunión Internacional GECOP. Murcia , June 2019
- EPIPAC: ESSO-EYSAC Hands on Course on Laparoscopy in the Management of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis - Alicante June 2019
- How to start a PIPAC program ESSO-EYSAC Hands on Course on Laparoscopy in the Management of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis - Alicante June 2019
- PIPAC in ovarian cancer. Clinical evidence and utility. April 2019
- PIPAC update. Train the trainers. Hurghada , Egypt , January 2019
- Fertility preservation in surgical oncology. Update en Cirugía Reproductiva, IVI. Barcelona, Octubre 2017
- Hipec in ovarian cancer; Congreso de la sociedad española de oncología ginecológica,San Sebastián November 2016
- HIPEC in Ovarian cancer, Standard Practice and Novel Strategies in Gynecology Oncology, MD Anderson Symposium, Cuzco, Peru , May 2016