Dr. Rupinder Sekhon
Address: Sir Chotu Ram Marg, Sector – 5, Rohini Institutional Area, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Gender: Female
About the Doctor / Professional
Dr. Rupinder Sekhon is one of the leading gynecologic oncologists of the country with special interest in ovarian cancer and cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC in recurrent ovarian cancer. She has a large number of surgeries in cervical and endometrial cancer under her credit. She has been instrumental in developing the department of gyne-oncology to the state of the art in the country which is inclusive of colposcopy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, open and robotic gynecologic surgeries.
Currently she is the Vice President of the "Association Gyne Oncologists of India" (AGOI), Secretary - "Asia Oceanic Organisation of Gynecologic Infections & Neoplasia, India" (AOGIN), Chairperson - "Oncology Committee of "Association of Gyne Oncologists of Delhi" (AOGD) and Member of Ethics Committee - "NATIONAL Institute of CANCER PREVENTION & RESEARCH" (NICPR).
Her areas of expertise are Secondary cytoreductive surgery in ovarian cancer, Recurrences in cancer endometrium and Radical Vulvectomy with Inguinal Lypmph node Dissection and other complex surgeries for vaginal & vulvar cancer.
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: MBBS, Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab, 1980
Residency: DGO, Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab
Professional Experience
- 2000-2004 - Associate Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology, Delhi University Faculty of Medical Science Army Hospital Research and Referral, New Delhi
- 1996-2000 - Rajiv Gandhi University of Medical Sciences Bangalore
- 1986-2004 - Armed Forces Veteran Classified Specialist, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Indian Air Force
- 1983-1986 - Assistant Research Officer in WHO-RCC at PGIMER, Chandigarh
- Commendation Award on 26 January Republic Day of India by Commander- in- Chief Air Force For Professional Excellence
- Best Gynecologic Oncologist Delhi 2012 - Awarded By Times Research Media
- First to be trained in Robotic surgery in Gyne-Oncology at Connecticut, USA
- First to perform Peritonectomy and HIPEC in Ovarian cancer in North India
- Invited Speaker at MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Texas, USA
- Colposcopy trainer, IARC-IFCPC
- Advisory Board Member - MSD & GSK for HPV Vaccine
- Delivered key note addresses & chaired various national and International conferences
- Gynecological cancer update. Asian Journal of Oncology.
- An Audit on the Role of PET/CT in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer in a Tertiary Care Centre.
- Robotic-Assisted Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy in Carcinoma Vulva: Our Experiences and Intermediate Results.
- Recurrent Cancer of the Vulva: Clinicopathologic Prognostic Factors, Patterns of Recurrence, and Their Management. Journal of Gynecologic Surgery.
- Presentation and Management of Inguinal Lymphadenopathy in Ovarian Cancer.
- Role of Radical Surgery in Early Stages of Vaginal Cancer Our Experience.
- Factors Affecting Perioperative Outcomes After CRS and HIPEC for Advanced and Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: A Prospective Single Institutional Study. Journal of Gynecologic Surgery.
- Hepatoid carcinoma of ovary: a very rare histopathological finding. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Routine appendicectomy be performed as a part of surgical staging in ovarian cancer. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Sekhon R. Surgery for early stage endometrial carcinoma in the obese patient. Asian Journal of Oncology.
- Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in cervical cancer in India: results from a multi-center study.
Specialties and Procedures
- Cancer/Oncology Consultation
- Cervical Cancer Treatment
- Endometrial Cancer Treatment
- Gynecological Cancer
- Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
- Ovarian Cancer Treatment
- Vaginal Cancer Treatment
- Colposcopy
- Cervical Cancer Treatment
- Colposcopy
- Endometrial Cancer Treatment
- Endometriosis Treatment
- Gynecologic Laparoscopy
- Gynecological Surgery
- Hysteroscopy
- Laparoscopy
- Ovarian Cancer Treatment
- Ovarian Cyst Removal
- Robotic Gynecological Surgery
- Robotic Surgery
- Vulvectomy
Memberships / Associations
- Member Ethics Committee ICPO (Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology)
- Member Oncology Committee AOGD
- Member Scientific Committee - IGCS 2016
- Visiting Fellow Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA