Ms. Israa  Al Areiby

Ms. Israa Al Areiby

Address: Dubai Healthcare City, PO Box 505054, District 1, Al Razi Building 64, Block E, Floor 3, Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Gender: Female

Type of Professional: Optometrist

Associated Healthcare Provider: Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai

Languages Spoken: English

More than 17 Years of experience

About the Doctor / Professional

Israa Al Areiby is an Optometrist at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai in Dubai healthcare City. She has more than 16 years of regional and international experience in General Optometry and Refractive surgery in countries including Netherlands and UAE.

Her other fields of interests are Fundus Scopy, Refractive Surgery, research, Corneal Topography and Fundus Photography analyzing. 

She holds Bachelor of Science in Optometry from the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands in 2008.