Prof. Dr. Holger Schmitt
Address: Bismarckstr. 9-15, Heidelberg, Baden-Wurttemberg, 69115, Germany
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
At the center of orthopedic and sports traumatology surgery is the surgical treatment of the hip, knee and ankle as well as tendon and muscle injuries. All sports-orthopedic and sports traumatology issues, such as the assessment of fitness for sports, especially after injuries of the entire musculoskeletal system, or after a joint replacement, are supervised by Prof. Schmitt. In general, all sports-orthopedic problems, including children and adolescents are treated in practice. Naturally, the majority of patients come from the field of competitive and recreational sports.
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: Albert Ludwig University Freiburg 1990
Residency: Surgical Clinic of the St. Vincentius-Hospitals Karlsruhe
Professional Experience
- 07.90 - 12.91: Internship, Surgical Clinic of the St. Vincentius-Hospitals Karlsruhe (General-, Thorax-, Accident- and Hand Surgery)
- 02.01.92: Approval as a doctor
- 02.92 - 11.93: Resident Surgery, Surgical Department of the St. Josefs Hospital Freiburg i. Br.
- 12.93 - 02.2001: Assistant Physician Orthopedic University Hospital Heidelberg
- 05.02.97: Recognition additional designation sports medicine
- 1997 - 2010: Senior Orthopedist at the Olympic training center Rhein-Neckar
- 1997 - 2010: Head of Sports Orthopedics at the Orthopedic University Clinic Heidelberg
- 02.07.97: Recognition additional name Chiropody
- 13.05.98: Specialist in orthopedics
- 05.05.99: Further training authority for the additional designation sports medicine
- 2001 - 2010: Senior Physician Orthopedic University Hospital Heidelberg
- 07 - 09/2001: Visiting research fellowship of the AGA (German-speaking Arthroscopy Association) at the University of Pittsburgh (Department of Orthopedic Surgery - Director: Freddie H. Fu, MD, D.Sc. (Hon.), D. Ps. Hon.)
- Since 06/2004: Board member GOTS
- 09/2004: GOTS fellow Korea and Japan
- 03/2005: Venia legendi for the field of orthopedics
- 2005 - 2010: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of DGSP (German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention)
- 2006 - 2008: Vice President of GOTS (Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology in Sport)
- 01/2007: Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology
- 01/2007: Additional name special orthopedic surgery
- 02/2007: Additional name rheumatology
- Since 05/2007: Member of the AG Medicine and Analytics of the NADA
- 2007 - 2010: Senior Physician Orthopedic University Hospital Heidelberg
- 2007 - 2012: Sports Medical Supervisor of the German National Team Volleyball - Women
- Since 01/2008: Orthopedic Editor of the German Journal of Sports Medicine
- 01.04.2008: Appointment as unscheduled professor of the University of Heidelberg
- 2008 - 2012: President of GOTS
- 2010 - 2017: Member of the hip committee of the AGA
- Since 2011: Member of the Wissenschaftskollegium of the DGSP
- Since 01.10.2010: Chief Physician at the German Articular Center Heidelberg, ATOS Clinic Heidelberg
- 2012 - 2016: Past President of GOTS
- Since August 2017: President Sportärztebund Baden Nord
- Since November 2017: President Sportärztebund Baden
- Top Mediziner 2017
- Top Mediziner 2020 Sport Orthopadie
- Top Medizener 2020 Knie: Meniskus/kreuzband
- Late damage to the musculoskeletal system High-performance sport using the example of the javelin thrower.
- The osteoid osteoma in the differential diagnosis of knee pain at the athlete.
- Long-term review of the lumbar spine in javelin throwers.
- Long-term changes of the throwing arm of former elite javelin throwers.
- Paralysis from sport and diving accidents.
- Acupuncture, used to treat pain in the Lumbar spine area.
- The low malignant central Osteosarcoma - clinical follow-up in three cases.
- Sports activity of patients with idiopathic scoliosis at long-term follow-up.
- Degenerative changes of the ankle in former elite high jumpers.
- Analysis of injuries in long distance triathletes.
- The importance of sport in the formation, prevention and rehabilitation of osteoarthritis.
- High prevalence of degeneration of the hip joint in 19 former elite javelin throwers and 22 former elite high jumpers 10 years and more after retirement from competitive sport compared with controls.
- Degenerative changes in the lumbar spine in former elite athletes.
- Late damage to the musculoskeletal system former high-performance long and triple jumpers.
- Scoliosis and Sport - Standards of Sports Medicine.
- Strength and proprioception at the ankle in dancers in the professional training.
- Bone mineral density and degenerative changes of the lumbar spine in former elite athletes.
- Injuries and Late damage to former high-performance athletes in athletic jumping disciplines.
- Influence of professional dance training on peak torque and proprioception at the ankle.
- The association between social factors, employment status and self-reported back pain - A representative prevalence study on the German general population.
- Acute traumatic primary patellar dislocation. Long-term results comparing conservative and surgical treatment.
- Prevalence and correlates of the Osteoarthritis in Germany.
- Workplace stress, lifestyle and social factors as correlates of back pain: a representative study of the German working population.
- Intensive long-distance running leads to osteoarthritis the hip and knee joints?
- Sports injuries: population based representative data on incidence, diagnosis, sequelae, and high risk groups.
- Stress fractures in the juvenile skeletal system.
- Stress fractures in adolescent competitive athletes with open physis.
- Reduction in body weight force at different levels of immersion in a hydrotherapy pool – calculation formulas for therapeutic practice.
- Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with quadrupled semitendinosus tendon – minimum 6 year clinical and radiological follow-up.
- Late damage to the shoulder joint in high-performance athletes.
- Results of arthroscopic partial Resection of the acetabular labrum.
- Die Deutsche Sportmedizin im Jahr 2006.
- Forearm fractures in children Sports and leisure accidents.
- Anterior cruciate ligament: cruciate ligament replacement - Semitendinosus tendon replacement, Z Orthop Unfall 145 (2007): 813-818
- Determining knee joint alignment using digital photographs.
- Schmitt H. Altered force ratio in unanticipated side jumps after treadmill run.
- The German sports medicine in 2007.
- Reconstruction of the ACL with a semitendinosus tendon graft: a prospective randomized single blinded comparison of doublebundle versus single-bundle technique in male athletes.
- The pubic ostitis - MRI as a diagnostic key of a clinical unclear, load-dependent groin pain.
- Prognostic value of chondral defects on the outcome after arthroscopic treatment of acetabular labral tears. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.
- The UniSpacer: correcting varus malalignment in medial gonarthrosis. Int Orthop (2010) 34 (8): 1175 - 1179
- Autologous chondrocyte implantation using the original periosteum-cover technique versus matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte implantation: a randomized clinical trial.
- Arthroscopic treatment of cartilage damage in the knee joint.
- The German sports medicine in 2008.
- Streich NA. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using quadriceps tendency autograft and press-fit fixation.
- Die Deutsche Sports medicine in 2009.
- Transphyseal reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament in prepubescent athletes.
- Reconstructive versus non-reconstructive treatment of anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency.
- Biomechanical markers in the diagnosis of chondral defects following anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency.
- Determination of the current position for strength training in young athletes.
- Clinical and MRI results after microfracture of osteochondral lesions of the talus.
- First-generation autologous chondrocyte implantation in patients with cartilage defects of the knee: 7-14 years`clinical and magnetic resonance imaging follow-up evaluation.
- Prevention and therapy of typical injuries and overuse complaints in male soccer players.
- Long-term outcome of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with an autologous four-strand semitendinosus tendon
- autograft.
- The heidelberg sports activity score – a new instrument to evaluate sports activity.
- Sport Orthop Traumatol 29 (2013)
- Surgical stabilization of the proximal tibiofibular joint using Gracilis tendon plastic using a modified Maffulli technique for isolated, chronic, primary traumatic instability.
- Impaired jump-landing after exercise in recreational and in high-performance athletes.
- Extra-articular soft tissue impingement of the hip joint.
- Change of gait in patients with lateral osteoarthritis of the knee after mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.
- Sports activities before and after medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty using new Heidelberg Sports Activity Score.
- Osteochondral lesions as a result of an operative Care of traumatic and congenital meniscus damage in the child and
- Adolescence.
- Extra-articular soft-tissue impingement of the hip joint. Medicina fluminensis 51 (2015), 145-153
- The clinical examination of the knee joint Dtsch Z Sportmed.
- Osteochondrosis dissecans at the knee joint Dtsch Z Sportmed.
- Wolf S. Effect of kinesiotape, nonelastic taping and bracing on segmental foot kinematics during drop landing in healthy subjects with chronic ankle instability.
- Ball games and nutrition counseling improve postural control in overweight children.
- The overweight child - can Balancing deficits in ball sports?
- Do overweight children stand on valgus knees? German Z Sportmed.
- Effect of kinesiotaping, non-elastic taping and bracing on segmental foot kinematics during drop landing in healthy subjects and subjects with chronic instability.
- Osteoarthritis and joint replacements oft he lower limb and spine in ex-professional soccer players: a systematic review.
- Joint pain in boys Competitive athletes - extent, context and coping strategies using the example of the German Youth basketballs.
- No pain, no gain? The prevalence of pain and the use of painkillers among young athletes as seen in basketball (2017)
- Instrumented gait analysis in patients with medial osteoarthritis of the knee after mobilebearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.
- Ball sports improve shoulder
- Proprioception in overweight and non-overweight children? – a prospective randomized controlled study.
- The orthopedic examination in sports medicine. Verlag Karl Hoffmann Schorndorf, 2000
- Sports orthopedics and traumatology in children and adolescents, Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag 2014
Specialties and Procedures
- Achilles Tendon Rupture
- Ankle Arthroscopy
- Ankle Surgery
- Arthrosis Treatment
- Bow Legs Treatment
- Endoprosthetic Replacement
- Hand Surgery
- Herniated Disc Treatment
- Hip Arthroscopy
- Knee Cartilage Surgery
- Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL)
- Knee Ligament Surgery (MCL)
- Knee Ligament Surgery (PCL)
- Knee Replacement
- Knock Knees Treatment
- Meniscus Surgery
- Orthopedics Consultation
- Osteotomy
- Patellar Dislocation Treatment
- Quadriceps Tendon
- Sports Injuries Treatment
- Tendon Repair
- Torn Ligament in Ankle
- Trauma Management
- Sports Medicine
- Rheumatology Consultation
- Sport Medicine Consultation
Memberships / Associations
- German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention
- Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology in Sport