Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Andree
Address: Gräulinger Straße 120, Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Andree is the Medical Director and Chief Physician for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Sana-Kliniken Gerresheim - Düsseldorf. He completed his doctorate from the University of San Diego, San Diego, USA and worked as a Specialist in Plastic Surgery in various institutes before joining Hospital Gerresheim in 2004 as Head of Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph is one of the most renowned doctors on Focus List in Germany for Breast Surgery from 2013 till date.
Degree: University of San Diego, San Diego, USA
Residency: Department of Plastic Surgery, Brigham & Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
- 2017 - Rehabilitation at Heinrich Heine University, Member of the Faculty
- July 2011 till date - Medical Director
- July 2004 - till date - Chief Physician, Clinic for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Sana-Kliniken Düsseldorf, Hospital Gerresheim
- October 2003 - Venia Legendi
- Since 2003 - Senior Physician
- 2003 - Specialist in hand surgery
- 1999 - Senior Physician
- 1999 - Specialist in Plastic Surgery
- 1995-2004 - Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Surgical University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg Medical Director: Univ.-Prof. Dr. G.B. Stark
- 1994 - Doctorate Dr. med. Autologous, in-vitro cultured human skin grafts-Comparative studies on the graft behavior of combined and cultured epidermal skin grafts on athymic naked mice University of San Diego, San Diego, USA; Doctoral Supervisors Prof. Dr. Hansbrough, Prof. Dr. Germann (Magna Laude)
- 1992-1994 - Internship (Postdoctoral Research Fellow) Department of Plastic Surgery, Brigham & Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Procedures Performed : 1,000
- Focus List most renowned doctors in Germany: Breast Surgery, (2013-2020)
- Ferdinand Sauerbruch Research Prize 1996 - Berlin Surgical Society and Association of Surgeons in Berlin and Brandenburg: Research Publication: In Vivo Transfer and Expression of an EGF Gene Accelerates Wound Repair, Berlin 1996
- Andree C, Langer S, Seidenstuecker K, Richrath P, Behrendt, P, Koeppe T, Hagouan M, Witzel C, Al Benna S, Munder BI: A single center prospective study, of bilateral breast reconstrucition with free abdominal flaps: a critical analyses of 144 patients. Med Sci Monit, 19: 467-474, 2013.
- Andree C, Munder BI, Seidenstuecker K, Richrath P, Behrendt P, Köppe T, Hagouan M, Audretsch W, Nestle-Krämling C, Witzel C: Skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstrucition with DIEP flap after breast-conserving therapy. Med Sci Monit, 18 (12), 2012.
- Andree C, Schmidt VJ, Munder BI, Seidenstücker K, Behrendt P, Witzel C, Raymund HE, Andrews BT, Richrath P: Detecting of breast cancer metastasis be means of regional lymph node sampling during autologous breast reconstruction – a screening of 519 consecutive patients. Med Sci Monit, 18 (7), 2012.
- Andree C, Farhadi J, Goossens D, Masia J, Sarfati I, Germann G, MacMillan RD, Scheflan M, Van Not H-P, Catanuto G, Nava MB: A position statement on optimising the role of oncoplastic breast surgery. E-plasty, 12:e40, 2012. Andree C, Munder B, Behrendt P, Hellmann S, Audretsch W, Voigt M, Reis C, Beckmann M, Horch R, Bach AD: Improved safety of autologous breast reconstruction surgery by stabilisation of microsurgical vessel anastomoses using fibrin sealant in 349 free DIEP or fascia-muscle-sparing (fms)-TRAM flaps: A two centre study. Breast, 17:492-498, 2008.
- Andree C, Voigt M, Wenger A, Erichsen T, Bittner K, Schaefer D, Walgenbach K-J, Borges J, Horch RE, Eriksson E, Stark GB: Plasmid Gene Delivery to Human Keratinocytes Through a Fibrin-Mediated Transfection System. J Tissue Eng, 7: 757-766, 2001.
- Andree C, Voigt M, Erichsen T, Wenger A, Bittner K, Bach AD, Schaefer D, Walgenbach K-J, Borges J, Horch RE, Eriksson E, Stark GB: Plasmid Gene Delivery to various Mammalian Cell Types through a Fibrin-Mediated Transfection System. In the review case J Cell Tissue Organs, 2002.
- Andree C, Reimer C, Page CP, Slama J, Stark GB, Eriksson E: Basement Membrane Formation during Wound Healing is dependent on Epidermal Transplants. J Plast Reconstr Surg, 107:97-104, 2001.
- Andree C, Page CP, Slama J, Stark GB, Eriksson E: Naturally occurring growth factors in porcine wounds treated with autologous keratinocytes in a liquid environment. Eur J Plast Surg, 22: 322-325 1999.
- Andree C, Swain WF, Page C, Macklin MD, Slama J, Hatzis D, Eriksson E: In Vivo Transfer and Expression of an EGF Gene Accelerates Wound Repair. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91:12188-12192, 1994.
- Andree C, Wenger A, Kullmer M, Stark GB: Non-viral gene transfer of plasmid DNA into human keratinocytes through a gene-activated firbin matrix. Z for Wound Healing, 5:186-187, 2002.
- Andree C, Kullmer M, Stark GB: Gene Transfer in Wounds. J Plaies Cicatrisations, 31: 7-12,
- Andree C, Kullmer M, Wenger A, Schaefer DJ, Kneser U, Stark GB: Gene Technology and Tissue Engineering. Minim Invasiv Ther, 11:93-99, 2002.
- Arm Lift
- Face Lift
- Arm Lift
- Body Lift
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Implants
- Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Surgery
- Correction Congenital Breast Malformation
- Eyelid Surgery-Upper and Lower
- Face Lift
- Facial Contouring Surgery
- Hand Surgery
- Liposuction
- Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery)
- Plastic Surgery Consultation
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Revision Surgeries
- Thigh Lift
- German Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC, formerly VDPC)
- Gesellschaft Ästhetische Chirurgie Deutschlands e.V. (GÄCD)
- Society for Breast Surgery International (BSI)
- International Society of Surgery EAT
- German Society for Gene Therapy
- Wound Healing Society
- European Tissue Repair Society
- Alumni.med-LIVE, Virtual Faculty of Medicine