Prof. Dr. Stefan Hinterwimmer
Address: Effnerstraße 38, Munich, Bayern, 81925, Germany
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Hinterwimmer is one of the leading specialists in the field of knee surgery in Germany and leads expert groups of several national and international medical societies. The clinical and scientific focus of Prof. Hinterwimmer is on joint preservation in the form of cruciate ligament surgery and its revisions, joint-preserving conversion operations, meniscus-preserving operations and complex operations on the kneecap.
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich 1996
Residency: Surgical Clinic of the University of Munich
Professional Experience
- 1997-2006: Practical education and training at the Surgical Clinic of the University of Munich
- 2003: Recognition as a specialist in surgery
- From 2005: Senior physician with focus on extremity surgery
- 2007: Recognition as a specialist in trauma surgery
- From 2007: Senior Physician and Senior Physician in the Department of Sports Orthopedics at the Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technical University (TU) Munich, Team Leader Knie
- 2008: Recognition as a Specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
- From 2012: Partner of the medical department of the professional football teams of FC Ingolstadt 04
- 2013 Self-employed Chief Physician of Sportsclinic Germany Munich
- 2014 Foundation of the Joint Practice "OrthoPlus Munich" and the "MVZ Alte Börse München"
- From 2013 Operative at the Starmed Clinic Munich
- Focus Top Mediziner 2020 Kniecrirurgie
Specialties and Procedures
- Ankle Fractures
- Ankle Injuries
- Ankle Surgery
- Herniated Disc Treatment
- Joint Replacement and Revisions
- Knee Fracture Treatment
- Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL)
- Knee Ligament Surgery (MCL)
- Knee Ligament Surgery (PCL)
- Knee Replacement
- Knee Surgery
- Kneecap Stabilization
- Knock Knees Treatment
- Meniscus Surgery
- Meniscus Tear Treatment
- Orthopedics Consultation
- Osteoarthritis Treatment
- Reconstructive Orthopedic Surgery
- Trauma Management