


What is Sciatica?

Sciatica or Sciatic Neuralgia is an occurrence in which one of the spinal nerve roots of the sciatic nerve is compressed resulting in lower back, leg and buttock pain. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve in the human body derived from 5 spinal nerve roots: L4, L5, S1, S2, and S3. This nerve runs from the lumbar spine through the buttock, down the leg and the foot on the rear side. Typically, severe sciatic pain is a sharp shooting pain in the lower back area, down the buttock and leg on one side of the body. This may also result in:

  • Numbness
  • Burning sensation
  • Tingling sensation

Sciatica, or pain from the sciatic nerve, can arise suddenly or gradually over time, and the symptoms can range from mild numbness to excruciating pain. The two most likely causes are a herniated disk in the lower back—where swelling and inflammation press on the nerve—or stiffness and compression in the piriformis muscle in the lower back.

What is a Herniated Spinal Disc?

This is a soft, elastic cushion that sits between the vertebrae of the spine. The discs may become rigid and may crack due to aging and the gel-like material may protrude and become a herniation outside the normal boundaries of the disc. This herniation puts pressure on the nerve roots as it exits the spine.

Yoga Therapy & Sciatica

Sciatica can be excruciatingly painful and can make normal life seem out of reach. The treatments available are expensive and have side effects, but Yoga Therapy can prevent and alleviate sciatic pain. Steroid shots have side effects and have been shown to do little to improve the pain of sciatica, while a carefully composed and mindful course of yoga therapy will alleviate symptoms in a much more healthful way.

Yoga Therapy treats through asanas suited to the causes of the pain, which we differentiate as radiculopathy or piriformis syndrome. Radiculopathy is the official name for compression/and or inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the base of the spine, caused by a herniated disk or spinal stenosis, which is the narrowing of the spinal opening.

Piriformis is the name of a muscle located deep in the hip. Because the sciatic nerve is sandwiched between the piriformis and the tendons that lie against the bone of the sacrum, stiffness or tightness in this muscle can exert pressure and cause sciatic pain.

Yoga practices should be gentle, progressive, and use specific asanas to treat these causes of sciatic pain. 


Lower back pain (left), herniated disc compressing the sciatic nerve and causing pain in the lower back, buttock and leg (right)


Why Choose Orange Ray for Sciatica Treatment?

For the best sciatica nerve treatment, consulting with a Specialised Yoga Therapist is always recommended, as the degree is different for every individual and every treatment needs to be customized to suit the individual’s physiology and comfort. Yoga therapy works for sufferers of a herniated disc by aligning, lengthening, and strengthening the lower back.

Sciatia Treatment through Acupuncture

Although acupuncture does not heal the structural problems of the lower back causing sciatica, it is effective for treating the pain without side-effects. Then we target the sciatic nerve to help relax the muscles and regulate flow along the leg pain path. Orange ray with its experts helps with Sciatia Treatement through Accupuncture.

Orange Ray is one of the best alternative medicine clinics in Chennai. Our therapists are highly trained to analyze and study your body’s physiology and bio-individuality to ensure that we are not just treating the disease, but the individual as well.

We focus on a balanced approach of health care – aiming to achieve well-being in your mind, body, and soul.

We do what is best for you because we understand what your body needs

Want to get rid of sciatic nerve pain? Choose Orange Ray for the best treatment for severe sciatica pain, and effective treatment for sciatica nerve pain in leg. We have the best solution.

To learn more about Orange Ray, please visit their profile.

