Dr. Maitri Chaudhuri
Address: Manipal Hospitals 98, HAL Old Airport Rd, Kodihalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Gender: Female
About the Doctor / Professional
Dr. Maitri Chaudhuri is a Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist at Manipal Hospital, Old Airport Road - Bengaluru. Her field of expertise are:
- Fetal and Transitional Hemodynamic Evaluation in precious pregnancies
- Neonatal Cardiology and handling of life threatening Cardiac Emergencies
- Structural Heart Disease and its treatment by surgical and non -surgical modalities
- Acquired heart diseases in children including Kawasaki Disease, Pediatric Syncope, Pediatric Hypertension and Pediatric Arrhythmias
Degree: SCB Medical College, Cuttack
Residency: Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre, New Delhi
- Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist at Manipal Hospital, Old Airport Road - Bengaluru (at present)
- Grown up Congenital Heart Disease – 15 years follow up, treatment, imaging and data recording
- Community outreach OPD in pediatric cardiology in remote North East India – a philanthropic project
- Reviewer in Journal of Indian Academy of Echocardiography
- Dilated superior vena cava in Fetal echocardiographic three -vessel view: what lies ahead? Chaudhuri M, et al. Heart Asia.2018
- Giant ductal pseudoaneurysm in infancy: a lesson learnt the hard way. Chaudhuri M, et al.
- Hypertension, Stroke and Abdominal Bruit: A Cryotic Extracranial Moyamoya! Chaudhuri M, et al. Indian J Paediatrics.2016
- Catastrophic presentation of anomalous origin of right pulmonary artery in a neonate- an interesting differential! Chaudhuri M, et al. Paediatric Cardiology 2012
- Percutaneous recanalization of an occluded hepatic vein in a difficult subset of paediatric Budd -Chiari syndrome. Chaudhuri M, et al. Paediatric Cardiology 2012
- Percutaneous device closure of a bifurcated inferior vena cava and completion of the Kawashima procedure for the “difficult” univentricular heart. Chaudhuri m, et al. Paediatric Cardiology 2011
- Ductal aneurysm masquerading as non- resolving pneumonia: A challenging differential! Chaudhuri M, et al. Annals of Paediatric Cardiology 2010
- Vascular rings and slings in textbook of paediatric cardiology 1st edition. Editor IB Vijalayalaxmi. Publisher Jaypee Brothers
- Single Ventricle in textbook of paediatric cardiology 1st edition. Editor IB Vijalayalaxmi
- Parental awareness website on Paediatric Cardiology: www.babyheart.in from 2010
- BMJ Case Rep.2017
- Fetal Echocardiography
- GUCH (Grown Up Congenital Heart) Surgery
- Kawasaki Disease
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Syncope
- Fetal Echocardiography
- Cardiology
- Kawasaki Disease
- Pediatric Cardiac Society of India
- Indian Academy of Echocardiography
- Cardiology Society of India-Karnataka Chapter
- Bangalore Pediatric Society