Dr. Gerardo Conesa Bertrán
Address: Carrer de Vilana, 12, 08022 Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Gender: Male
About the Doctor / Professional
Dr. Gerardo Conesa Bertrán is the Chief of Neurosurgery and Director of the Teknon Neuroscience Institute at QS Teknon Medical Center, Barcelona. He has over 30 years of extensive experience in Neurosurgery.
Alongside his clinical career, Dr. Conesa has been an associate professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Barcelona and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Dr. Conesa has won several awards in recognition of his professional and research career.
Qualification (Degree and Residency)
Degree: University of Barcelona - Spain
Professional Experience
- 1990-2003: Neurosurgery staff - Hospital de Bellvitge
- 1995-2000: Neurosurgery resident - Hospital de Bellvitge
- 1996-2007: Associate Professor neurosurgery - University of Barcelona
- 2003-2006: Neurosurgery consultant - Hospital Clinic Barcelona
- 2000-now: Chief of Neurosurgery - Neurogrup (private practice group)
- 2006-now: Chief of neurosurgery - Hospital del Mar University Hospital
- 2007-now: Associate Professor Neurosurgery - Autonomous University Barcelona
- 2018-now: Chief of Neurosurgery - Hospital de Sant Pau & H. del Mar University Hospitals
- 2018 - Diario Médico Award for the best ideas together with HM Hospitals for the implementation of EOS radiological technology, the first in Spain.
- 2017 - Organization of the SENEC Congress (Spanish Society of Neurosurgery) in Barcelona, jointly with the American Society of Neurosurgery CNS (Congress of Neurological Surgeons) and the British Society of Neurosurgery (SBNS).
- 2003 - Diario Médico Award for the best ideas for the Development and implementation of functional brain mapping in the resection of brain tumors. 2003
- Awarded by the SEN (Spanish Society of Neurology) for the publication of: "Identification of the primary sensorimotor cortex with functional magnetic resonance imaging."
- 1995 - Ramón y Cajal Prize. Decade of the brain.
- Short and long-term outcome of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients.
- Long-Term Safety and Performance of a Polymeric Clamplike Cranial Fixation System.
- Prediction error connectivity: A new method for EEG state analysis.
- Incidental findings on brain MRI of cognitively normal first-degree descendants of patients with Alzheimer's disease: a cross-sectional analysis from the ALFA (Alzheimer and Families) project.
- Whole network, temporal and parietal lobe contributions to the earliest phases of language production.
- Brain tumors in eloquent areas: A European multicenter survey of intraoperative mapping techniques, intraoperative seizures occurrence, and antiepileptic drug prophylaxis.
- Is a pretreatment radiological staging system feasible for predicting extent of resection and prognosis in glioblastoma? An observational study
- Incidence and causes of early end in awake surgery for language mapping not directly related to eloquence
- Perfusion SPECT, SISCOM and PET (18)F-FDG in the assessment of drug-refractory epilepsy patients candidates for epilepsy surgery.
- Unusual case of posterior fossa syndrome and bilateral hypertrophic olivary degeneration after surgical removal of a large fourth ventricle ependymoma in an adult
- Severe bradycardia after topical use of papaverine during a pons cavernoma surgery
- Incidencia y causas de finalización anticipada de la cirugía con paciente despierto para mapeo del lenguaje, no relacionadas directamente con la elocuencia
- Giant pseudoaneurysm as a delayed surgical complication in a patient operated on a giant neuroma of the vagus nerve: Case report and management considerations
- Breast cancer brain metastases: a review of the literature and a current multidisciplinary management guideline
- Conservative treatment of an epidural abscess after thoracic epidural catheterization.
- Invasion of the spinal column by a posterior mediastinal cavernous haemangioma: a combined surgical approach
- Representation of cricothyroid muscles at the primary motor cortex (M1) in healthy subjects, mapped by navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS).
- Intraoperative identification of the supplementary motor area in neurooncological surgery.
- Comparing expert and novice spatial representation on the basis of VR simulation, mri images, and physical objects.
- Intraoperative electrical stimulation in awake craniotomy: methodological aspects of current practice.
- Identification of the sensorimotor cortex with functional MRI: frequency and actual contribution in a neurosurgical context.
- Oroalimentary automatisms induced by electrical stimulation of the fronto-opercular cortex in a patient without automotor seizures
- Identification of the sensorimotor cortex with functional MRI: frequency and actual contribution in a neurosurgical context.
- Cierre espontaneo de fistula arteriovenosa dural intracraneal tras hipotension controlada bajo anestesia general. A proposito de un caso.
- The lateral asymmetry of the human brain studied by volumetric magnetic resonance imaging.
- EPI functional MRI: a useful tool for preoperative rolandic fissure localization.
- Clinical application of functional MRI in presurgical identification of the central sulcus
- Estimulacion cortical intraoperatoria en el tratamiento quirúrgico de los gliomas de bajo grado situados en áreas elocuentes
- Pattern recognition analysis of 1H NMR spectra from perchloric acid extracts of human brain tumor biopsies.
- Neurocirugía guiada por sistemas de estereotaxia sin marco
- Pattern recognition análisis of 1H NMR Spectra from perchloric acid extracts of human brain tumor biopsies
- The significance of image-guided stereotactic surgery in the management of brainstem tumours.
- Diagnosis of brain abcess by MRS: Report of two cases
- Presurgical identification of the primary sensorimotor cortex with functional magnetic resonance imaging.
- Paralvumin and Calbindin D-28K inmunoreactivity in central ganglioglioma and dysplastic gangliocitoma of the cerebellum. Report of two cases.
- Cavernous angiomas of the brain stem.
- Hemorragias subaracnoidals per ruptura d’aneurisma intracranial. Tractament quirurgic de 100 aneurismas consecutius
- Chronic isolated throclear nerve palsy produced by intracavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm. Report of a case.
- Studies with the Golgi method in central gangliogliomas and dysplastic gangliocitoma of the cerebellum (Lhermitte-Duclos disease).
- Microsurgical removal of brain stem tumors and other expanding lesions.
- A retrospective study of supratentorial low grade astrocytomas in the adult
- A new approach in evaluating the cervical interbody bone graft stability
- Chemonucleolysis in the treatment of lumbar disc hernia
- Research Grant: The emergence of grammar in the brain: a comparative study of acquisition, processing and cortical organization of the structural aspects of language in bilingual and monolingual populations,
- Program Eurocores (humanities): “The origin of man, language and languages” (OMLL)
- Research Grant: Brain and bilinguism. Funding organization: 1162 – Grup de recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Programa: AJRE – Ajuts a la recerca
- Research Grant: Neuronavigation in a virtual reality environment.
- Research Grant: FISS 93/0296. Human brain anatomo-functional information in brain tumor resections in highly eloquent areas
- Research Grant: FISS 98/0289. Language lateralization: validation study of fMRI, Wada test, navigated repetitive TMS and electrical cortical stimulation
- Research Grant: Sylvius project: caring for language in neurosurgery. Stereoscopic multimodal informatic platform for epilepsy surgery and neurosurgical planning.
- Research Grant: FIS PI 16/00382. “DBS in subgeniculate cingulum and accumbens nucleus as treatment with chronic, severe and refractory anorexia nervosa”.
Specialties and Procedures
- Brain Tumors
- Neuro Oncology
- Arteriovenous Malformation
- Brain Tumors
- Chiari Malformation Treatment
- Cluster Headaches
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
- Glioma
- Hydrocephalus Treatment
- Migraine Treatment
- Neuro Oncology
- Neurostimulation
- Syringomyelia
- Aneurysms
- Arteriovenous Malformation
- Brain Tumor Surgery
- Chiari Malformation Treatment
- Cranial Cervical Instability
- Craniosynostosis Treatment
- Craniotomy
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery
- Epilepsy Surgery
- Failed Back Syndrome
- Glioma
- Hydrocephalus in Adults: Causes, Diagnosis, Surgery and More
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Neuro Oncology
- Neurosurgery Consultation
- Parkinson's Disease Consultation and Treatment
- Skull Base Surgery
- Spina Bifida
- Spinal Tumors
- Syringomyelia
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Vascular Neurosurgery
Memberships / Associations
- Spanish Society of Neurosurgery (SENEC)
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS)
- European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS)
- Catalan Society of Neurosurgery
Healthcare Providers
More Information
Posters and national and international conferences: 135