ATOS Clinic Group
Address: Effnerstr. 38, Munich, Bayern, 81925, Germany
About the Healthcare Provider
ATOS – a name committed to your well-being. Founded in 1991, the ATOS team is made up of clinics in Heidelberg, Braunfels, Munich, and Cologne. Our homes in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia represent the ATOS philosophy, standing for more than 25 years of top medical care in Germany. You can wholly rely on our renowned and internationally respected doctors, here to help in our clinics throughout Germany.
Originally a purely orthopedic clinic, we have continuously expanded our services in recent years. We are thus your leading German specialist in not only orthopedics – but much more. We specialize in hips, knees, shoulders, or the spine, while we also offer diagnostic and treatment options within further disciplines such as visceral and thorax surgery, plastic surgery, phlebology, proctology, as well as neck, nose, and ear medicine.
Our ATOS specialists are among the most respected doctors in Germany. ATOS brings specialists from varying disciplines together, whose expertise and experience put you in good hands.
The following is a list of some of our Hospitals:
AOK Hessen
DIN EN ISO 9001: 2008
ISO EN 2002
TÜV Rheinland
- AOK-QSR (quality assurance from routine data)
- PKV Quality Partnership
- TK Clinic (Techniker Krankenkasse)
- EPRD (Endoprothesis Register Germany)
- TOP Mediziner FOCUS Liste
- Primo Medico
- Orthopedics
- Anti Aging Treatment
- Arm Lift
- Cosmetology Consultation
- Cyst Removal
- Face Lift
- Fibromas
- Fillers
- Hyaluronic Acid Treatment
- Neck Lift (Cervicoplasty)
- Wrinkle Treatment
- Allergology Consultation
- Allergy Testing
- Allergy Testing
- Anesthesia for Surgery
- Cardiac Anesthesia
- Cancer/Oncology Consultation
- Skin Cancer Surgery
- Skin Cancer Treatment
- 64 slice CT angiography
- AICD (Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator)
- Aortic Stenosis Treatment
- Cardiac CT
- Cardiac MRI
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Cardiology Consultation
- Coronary Angiogram
- Critical Cardiac Care
- CT Coronary Angiogram
- Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
- GUCH (Grown Up Congenital Heart) Surgery
- Heart Catheterization
- Heart Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass (MIDCAB)
- Myocarditis Treatment
- Pacemaker Implantation
- Stent
- Anal Fissure Treatment
- Anal Fistula Surgery
- Colonoscopy
- Hemorrhoidectomy
- Pilonidal Sinus
- Acne Scar Treatment
- Actinic Keratoses Treatment
- Birthmarks Removal Treatment
- Cyst Removal
- Dermatology Consultation
- Keloid Scar
- Lipoma Removal
- Melanoma
- Melasma Treatment
- PRP Treatment
- Scar Treatment
- Seborrheic Keratoses and Removal
- Skin Cancer Treatment
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Warts Removal
- Cardiac CT Scan
- Cardiac MRI
- Cardio-Vascular & Thoracic Imaging
- CT Angiogram (Computed Tomography Angiogram)
- CT Scan (Computed Tomography)
- Diagnostic Imaging Consultation
- Diagnostic X-Rays
- Digital Mammography
- Digital X-Ray
- Duplex Sonography
- Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG)
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Electromyogram (EMG)
- Evoked Potentials
- Full Body CT Scan
- Full Body MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography)
- Full Body PET CT Scan
- Full Body PET-MRI Scan
- Full Body Ultrasound Scan
- Functional MRI
- Gait Analysis
- Lung Function Test
- Mammography
- MRI Scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
- Prostate MRI
- Radiology
- Sonography
- Stress Echocardiogram
- Ultrasound Scan
- Virtual Colonoscopy
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Dietetics/ Nutrition Consultation
- Diagnosis and Treatment Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea Syndrome
- ENT Consultation
- Middle Ear Analysis
- Nasal Endoscopy
- Nasal Obstruction Treatment
- Pediatric ENT
- Salivary Gland Tumor Removal
- Salivary Stones Treatment
- Sinus Surgery
- Surgery of the Facial Nerve
- Swallowing Disorders
- Tinnitus
- Turbinate Surgery
- Tympanoplasty
- Voice Disorders
- Diabetes Consultation
- Endocrinology Consultation
- Osteoporosis Treatment
- Abscess Drainage
- Anal Fissure Treatment
- Anal Fistula Surgery
- Colonoscopy
- Fistula Surgery
- Gastroenterology Consultation
- Gastroscopy
- Hemorrhoids
- Hernia Surgery
- Inguinal Hernia
- Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery
- Laparoscopic Hernia Repair
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Pilonidal Sinus
- Proctology
- Sclerotherapy
- Umbilical Hernia Repair
- Advanced Checkup
- Allergy Check-Up
- Allergy Diagnostics and Immunotherapy
- Basic Checkup
- Doctor Consultation
- Executive Check Up (Female)
- Executive Check Up (Male)
- General Medicine Consultation
- Health Screening
- Metabolic Disorders
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Preventative Medicine
- Rheumatism Check-Up
- Breast Surgery
- General Surgery Consultation
- Hemorrhoids Surgery
- Hernia Repair
- Hiatal Hernia Surgery
- Incisional Hernia Repair
- Inguinal Hernia
- Laparoscopy
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Umbilical Hernia Repair
- Varicose Veins
- Internal Medicine
- Varicose Veins Laser Ablation
- Ataxic Cerebral Palsy
- Brain Tumors
- Cerebral Palsy Management
- Developmental Disorders
- Electroencephalogram
- Electroencephalography
- Electromyogram (EMG)
- Electromyography
- Epilepsy Consultation and Treatment
- Evoked Potentials
- Headaches
- Hydrocephalus Treatment
- Movement Disorder
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Consultation and Management
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Neurological Rehabilitation
- Neurology Consultation
- Neuromuscular Diseases
- Neurophysiology
- Spastic Cerebral Palsy
- Spina Bifida Consultation
- Syringomyelia
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Back and Neck Pain Treatment
- Disc Herniation and Disc Disease Treatment
- Electroencephalogram
- Electromyography
- Endoscopic Surgeries
- Epidural Hematoma (EDH) Surgery
- Epilepsy Surgery
- Evoked Potentials
- Hydrocephalus Treatment
- Microsurgery
- Micro-surgical Spinal Tumors Surgeries
- Microvascular Decompression (MVD)
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
- Neurophysiology
- Neurosurgery Consultation
- Ozone Therapy
- Peripheral Nerve Stenosis, Injuries and Tumors
- Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF)
- Spasticity
- Spina Bifida
- Spinal Tumors
- Spine Surgery
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Consultation
- Abscess Debridement
- Achilles Tendon Tear
- Ankle Arthroscopy
- Ankle Fractures
- Ankle Fusion Surgery
- Ankle Injuries
- Ankle Replacement
- Ankle Surgery
- Arthrodesis Treatment
- Arthroscopic Supraspinatus Repair
- Arthrosis Treatment
- Artificial Limb Services
- Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI)
- BOTOX for Orthopedics
- Bow Legs Treatment
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery
- Carpus Fractures
- Cerebral Palsy Treatment
- Cervical Fracture Treatment
- Cervical Spine Surgery
- Cervical Strain Treatment
- Clubfoot Treatment
- Collarbone Fracture Treatment
- Congenital Hip Dislocation Treatment
- Congenital Malformations
- Corrective Osteotomy (Spine Deformities)
- De Quervain Syndrome Treatment
- Deformity Correction
- Disc Surgery
- Dislocated Elbow Treatment
- Dislocated Hip Treatment
- Dislocated Shoulder Treatment
- Dupuytren's Contracture Treatment
- Elbow Arthroscopy
- Elbow Pain Treatment
- Elbow Sprain Treatment
- Elbow Surgery
- Endoprosthetic Replacement
- Epicondylitis Surgery
- Flat Feet
- Foot Fractures
- Foot Surgery
- Fracture Treatment
- Frozen Shoulder Treatment
- Ganglion Cyst Removal
- Haglund's Heel
- Hallux Rigidus Surgery
- Hallux Valgus Surgery
- Hallux Varus Surgery
- Hammer/Claw/Mallet Toe Treatment
- Hand Fracture Treatment
- Hand Joints Synovectomy
- Hand Surgery
- Heel Pain
- Heel Spur Treatment
- Herniated Disc Treatment
- Hip Arthroplasty
- Hip Arthroscopy
- Hip Dysplasia
- Hip Fracture Surgery
- Hip Impingement Treatment
- Hip Pain Treatment
- Hip Replacement
- Hip Resurfacing
- Hip Surgery
- Humeral Head Fracture
- Joint Replacement and Revisions
- Jumper's Knee Treatment
- Knee Arthroplasty
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Knee Cartilage Surgery
- Knee Fracture Treatment
- Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL)
- Knee Ligament Surgery (MCL)
- Knee Ligament Surgery (PCL)
- Knee Replacement
- Knee Surgery
- Kneecap Stabilization
- Knock Knees Treatment
- Kyphosis Deformity Surgery
- Lateral Release of the Patella
- Little League Elbow Treatment
- Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) Surgery
- Meniscus Surgery
- Meniscus Tear Treatment
- Metatarsal Fracture
- Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint Replacement
- Metatarsalgia Treatment
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Morton's Neuroma Treatment
- Muscle Reconstruction
- Myelopathy
- Nerve Compression Syndrome
- Orthopedics Consultation
- Osteoarthritis Treatment
- Osteochondritis Dissecans Treatment
- Osteochondrosis Treatment
- Osteoporosis Treatment
- Osteoporotic Fractures
- Osteotomy
- Pain Management
- Patellar Dislocation Treatment
- Pediatric Orthopedics
- Perthes Disease
- Pes Anserine Bursitis Treatment
- Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
- Pseudarthrosis Treatment
- Quadriceps Tendon
- Reconstructive Orthopedic Surgery
- Revision Joint Surgery
- Revision Surgeries
- Rotator Cuff Surgery
- Scaphoid Fracture Treatment
- Scoliosis Surgery
- Shockwave Therapy
- Shoulder Arthroplasty
- Shoulder Arthroscopy
- Shoulder Capsular Release
- Shoulder Fracture Fixation
- Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Treatment
- Shoulder Labrum Surgery
- Shoulder Ligament Repair
- Shoulder Pain Treatment
- Shoulder Replacement
- Shoulder Stabilization
- Shoulder Surgery
- Shoulder Tendon Reconstruction
- SLAP Tear Repair
- Spinal Canal Stenosis
- Spinal Fusion
- Spine Surgery
- Spondylolisthesis
- Sports Injuries Treatment
- Sports Medicine
- Synovium Removal
- Tendon Repair
- Tennis or Golfers Elbow Treatment
- Tenosynovitis
- Toe Implant
- Toe Joint Replacement
- Torn Ligament in Ankle
- Trauma Management
- Trauma Surgery
- Treatment for Achilles Tendinitis
- Trigger Finger/Thumb Release Treatment
- Vertebral Fracture
- Wrist Arthroscopy
- Wrist Instability Treatment
- Allergy Tests
- Allergy and Immunology
- Asthma Management
- Childhood Epilepsy
- Developmental Disorders
- Diagnostic Tests
- Gynecology (Pediatric and Adolescent)
- Headaches
- Hydrocephalus Treatment
- Movement Disorder
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics Consultation
- Spina Bifida
- Sports Medicine
- Bobath Concept Therapy
- Cryotherapy
- Electrotherapy
- Ergotherapy
- Exercise Therapy
- Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
- Functional Training
- Heat Therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Kinesio Taping
- Kinesiotherapy
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage
- Manual Therapy
- Medical Gymnastics
- Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Physical Rehabilitation after Amputation
- Physical Therapy Consultation
- Physiotherapy
- Pre and Post Operation Treatments of Locomotor System
- Sports Injuries Treatment
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Ultrasound Therapy
- Arm Lift
- Birthmarks Removal Treatment
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Surgery
- Brow Lift
- Chin Augmentation
- Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity Surgery
- Cleft Lip or Palate Repair
- Ear Reconstruction
- Ear Surgery
- Eye Bag Removal
- Eye Lid Lift (Blepharoplasty)
- Eyelid Surgery-Upper and Lower
- Face Lift
- Face Slimming
- Facial Contouring Surgery
- Facial Recontouring with Lipostructure
- Fillers
- Forehead Lift
- Hyaluronic Acid Treatment
- Laser Lifting of Skin
- Laser Skin Surfacing
- Lip Augmentation
- Lip Surgery
- Lipofilling
- Lipoma/Mole/Cyst Removal
- Liposuction
- Mesotherapy
- Neck Lift (Cervicoplasty)
- Otoplasty
- Plastic Surgery Consultation
- Reconstruction For Congenital Deformities Of Face
- Reconstruction For Congenital Deformities Of Hand
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Reconstructive Surgery for Burns
- Rhinoplasty (Nose Correction)
- Scar Removal
- Skin Grafting
- Surgery for Facial and Eyes Rejuvenation
- Sweat Gland Suction
- Thigh Lift
- Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
- Upper And Lower Blepharoplasty
- Vascular Malformations
- Wound Care
- Wrinkle Treatment
- Flatfoot / Clubfoot Management
- Hallux Rigidus Surgery
- Hammer/Claw/Mallet Toe Treatment
- Morton's Neuroma Treatment
- Orthotics Treatment
- Osteotomy
- Podiatric Medicine Consultation
- Sports Injuries Treatment
- Psychiatry Consultation
- Pulmonology Consultation
- Respiratory Medicine Consultation
- Osteoarthritis Treatment
- Rheumatology Consultation
- Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR)
- Cervical Disc Disease Treatment
- Cervical Spondylosis Treatment
- Congenital Scoliosis
- Costotransversectomy
- Degenerative Scoliosis Treatment
- Foraminotomy
- Herniated Disc Treatment
- Kyphoplasty
- Kyphosis Treatment
- Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment
- Lumbar Fusion
- Lumbar Spondylosis Treatment
- Lumbar Surgery
- Microdiscectomy
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
- Nucleotomy
- Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy
- Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF)
- Postnucleotomy Syndrome
- Scoliosis Surgery
- Scoliosis Treatment
- Spinal Arthroscopy
- Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
- Spinal Cord Tumor Treatment
- Spinal Decompression
- Spinal Disc Herniation Treatment
- Spinal Fusion Surgery
- Spinal Stabilization
- Spinal Stenosis Treatment
- Spinal Surgery Consultation
- Spinal Tumor Removal
- Spine Examination
- Spine Surgery
- Spondylolisthesis Stabilization
- Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome Treatment
- Treatment for Spinal Fractures
- Vertebral Fracture
- Vertebroplasty
- Ankle Fractures
- Dislocation Treatment
- Fracture Treatment
- Meniscus Tear Treatment
- Pre and Post Operation Treatments of Locomotor System
- Sport Medicine Consultation
- Sports Injuries Treatment
- Venerology Consultation
- 1.5 Tesla MRI with 16 channels
- 15-Channel Knee Coil
- 256 Slice CT
- Computer-Assisted Navigation System
- Open Magnetic Resonance Tomography
- Scintigraphy
Airport Transportation -
Choice of International Cuisine -
Dedicated International Desk -
Hotel Reservations -
Internet - WIFI
International Patient Coordinator -
Language Interpreters -
Medical Records Transfer -
Translation Services
Accommodation options for Patient and Family -
Air-Conditioned Rooms -
Cafeterias -
Diagnostic and Imaging Facility -
International Patient's Lounge -
Laboratory Services -
Medical Coordination Office -
Pharmacy -
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services
Room Type
2 - Bedded Room -
Private Room -
Suite -
Room Facilities
- Bathroom Amenities
- Call Bell System
- Electric and Adjustable Beds
- En-suite Bathroom
- Food Services
- Guest Bed
- Internet - WIFI
- Kettle / Coffee Maker
- Microwave
- Mini Refrigerator
- Newspaper
- Private AC
- Private Telephone
- Safe
- Separate Room for Attendant
- Slippers
- Television
- Towels
Payment Methods Accepted
American Express -
Cash -
Credit / Debit Card -
MasterCard -
Online Bank Transfer -
Visa -
Western Union